WRAP Recycling Signs

Protect The Environment With WRAP Recycling Signs

More than 60% of people in England are now considering themselves as people committed to recycling and making a difference to our planet, which has risen greatly from less than half of that in 2004.

The ‘Waste & Resouces Action Programme’ or WRAP, is the world leader in helping organisations to be able to achieve much greater efficiency when it comes to resources. The benefit of WRAP recycling signs is that they are colour coded to make sure that the correct recycling receptacle is utilised for the material that is being recycled. With WRAP’s commitment to sustainable materials and the reprocessing of them, you too can help to improve the environmental issues we face by utilising the correct recycling signs. It’s easy to see a WRAP initiative sign due to the ‘Recycle Now’ logo, used by all major brands, retailers, groups and local authorities to show that all recyclable materials are being disposed of responsibly.
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